Location: NYC, United States

Friday, April 20, 2007

bye bye Facebook

I've filed for separation from Facebook.
No hard feelings, but I don't know if I'll go back yet.

It was great to 'connect', especially to long lost friends. But I'm not sure if you can call brief messaging spells and occasional wall-writing 'connecting'. It's definitely good for PR.

But I just found myself getting stupidly petty, and sucked into things I'd best not get sucked into.

Who knows? I could sign back up again, tomorrow, maybe.

I'm happy with blogging.


Blogger gear-girl said...

i still don't undersatnd this facebook concept. it's not making a huge difference for me to be on or off. in fact, i just get spammed in my inbox with messages from facebook. so maybe it's worse...

4:49 PM  
Blogger divine.conspiracy said...

I so totally am getting sucked into facebook, and VIRB, and twitter. Not sure what the whole point is yet, but I have met some nice people. [shrugs]

You can turn off notifications from facebook in your preferences so you don't get all those emails when people add you or whatever.

I think your 'home' page of facebook is the most interesting, because you can see at a glance what all your friends are up to. Who they added as friends (do you know any of them?), new pictures (are you tagged in the picture too?), what groups they joined or started (oh, that sounds interesting), what events they are going to (wow, 31 cent Baskin Robbins night!), and stuff like that.

It's like a constant 'push' status for your friends, where you get 'pushed' everybody's happenings, much like you get 'push' email from a Blackberry. And you know how addictive those things are... is it any wonder that facebook is so addictive? Add into the mix the ability to connect with long lost friends, and then suddenly keep tabs on them and be able to message them, or comment on their pictures, or be silly and 'poke' them... it's a potent mix.

Anyway, this is a lengthy reply... sorry.

10:03 PM  

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