I heard a girl friend jokingly use the term "cat fight" tonight and I got really ticked off. Not at her, but at all the women- trashing talk littering everyday English language usage.
There is no male equivalent to "bitch" or "bitchy".
Son-of-a-bitch still involves the word bitch.
There is no equivalent to "slut" or "whore".
Bastard still implies more wrong on the female part.
"Sir" is neutral, while "madam" is tainted by brothel connotations.
Girls fight, guys fight. Why the need for the distinctive "cat fight"?
When I was working with teenagers, I had a great talk with the girls about stopping the ridiculous habit of calling each other 'bitches', 'ho' or any other female-specific derogatory term--especially as some kind of honorific. I loved those girls, and I think we really got somewhere with that conversation. I wish it was so easy turning the rest of the world around.
I'm sure the socio-linguistic-scholars out there have some brilliant theories about why this is. But whatever it is, it's messed up. It needs to stop.