Location: NYC, United States

Sunday, July 23, 2006

reunion #3

3 horsies in a row...

did you know there's cell phone service on the real great wall??

i know it kinda looks like I'm being taken's just the big slow bear-ness coming out! =)

We had a fun weekend of too much sushi, really excellent Tim Keller talks, dim sum with my entire family (extremely rare), him studying sickle-cell anemia and me studying sales...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there chica. You willingly discussed Tim Keller?! hmm, are you coming around? On a serious note, it makes me think about the quote you posted by williamson. Keller is truly gifted by God, ask anyone who knows or listens to his sermons. But over and over again, i hear how people who attend or visit Redeemer feel major disapointment when one of the other pastors unexpectedly speaks, instead of Keller. People try to be nice, but the fact is they will go as far to say they feel "cheated" out of Time Keller sermon! How is it then, that Keller has enabled those around him to shine brighter as the quote suggests will naturally happen?

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

howdy! the mrs. showed me the link. great blog!

-dan c.

11:02 AM  

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