Location: NYC, United States

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

for your consideration

"Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die."

- Anne Lamott
Traveling Mercies

Very catchy.


Blogger adllto said...

...A third misconception about forgiveness is that it is a quick, simple process. Genuine forgiveness [takes time; it is] something deep and powerful.
And a fourth misconception about forgiveness is that in order to forgive, we must forget. If we still retain the memory of what was done to us, we think, we have not truly forgiven. In fact, just the opposite is true: To forgive is to remember. That is because forgiveness is not just a one-time action on our part; it is usually something that we must choose to do over and over again. If we are to continue to forgive, we must continue to remember. David Stoop

11:02 PM  

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