Location: NYC, United States

Saturday, September 02, 2006

at last

The worst part was probably the inch by inch crawling for over 3+ hours to cross over. One tough talking officer, then one uncommonly nice one later and we were on our way to Ithaca. Perhaps with the audacity only found among newly-weds, Doojin called exactly, literally, as we pulled out of the border to suggest we go get a room somewhere.

By the time we got to the land of the Cornell, it was LATE. The hubby was in seventh heaven pointing out every single apartment, restaurant, classroom, hangout, rock, tree and waterfall that had ANYTHING to do with him remotely at all.

After breakfast at Friendly's (it's like FAKE food there, blehh, nothing tastes real) with one of the hubby's Cornell admirers, we headed home! HOME for the next 3 years at least! I haven't lived anywhere for 3 years since undergrad!

Now, he's cleaning the bathroom while I slack off. Haha. He'll get his revenge though when he goes back to work on Monday and I get to unpack ALL the boxes, every suitcase, all the wedding gifts, stinking foam popcorn and all, and make this place FEEL like home.

We are blissfully relieved, deeply thankful for friends and family who went through this with us, and in grateful awe of God. Yay!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! Genesis 2:24-25! (just replace man with woman and wife with husband in your case!) One of my favorite verses!

Happy New Yorking.

2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be good and congratulations to finally being able to embark on the wonderful journey of life together. As for the foam peanuts, me being the extraordinary shipping/recieving guy at work, my only advice is to have a big garbage back handy to place them in, otherwise they get everywhere!!!! Static sucks!! But yes, middle brother is happy for you both. Peace out and I'll visit eventually!!!!!

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and yet again you and i embark on new life stages together. i shall think of you as i make the chu house FEEL like my home too. looking forward to visiting you in the city. can't wait to catch up properly. till then... YAY FOR THE HAUS!!! - sooj

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations and finally!!!
Did I not tell you Lewiston would be OK. Very happy that you are where you belong now :)

10:10 AM  

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