Location: NYC, United States

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

lovey doveyness

As I have a lot of time on my hands, I have been thinking about all the crazy things I've done for *love*. Well, love for the hubby anyway:

1. Seriously considered writing to Oprah for help, to the point of checking the 'Upcoming Shows' link for anything remotely related to our cause.

2. Pierced my ears in a HK subway station after 25 years with virgin ears because SOMEONE said he liked my ears (?!), and then told his MOM, who THEN bought me earrings PRIOR to my ears being pierced.

3. Wake up regularly at 5:50 AM (as an unemployed person who does not have any reason to wake up til noon let alone such an ungodly hour) to respond to text messages sent by the Dr. on his way to work

4. Froze for hours on my side of the bed with just a corner of a thread-bare sheet covering me for fear that if I try and recapture the STOLEN blankets, I will wake SOMEONE up!!

5. I have a problem. I really can't finish up these lists without feeling MASSIVE pressure to go out with a bang. Sigh, nothing brilliant is coming to me...maybe another day...

6. Oh, oooh. Just remembered one: Laboured for hours at home making lasagna for him, only to have them confiscate it at airport security! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? Ok...just kidding...they let me go, but they weren't that thrilled...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should really write to oprah. seriously!


10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait... did i just read this right? you made lasagna and tried to take it on a plane with you?? haha. only you girl. only you. -sooj

12:25 PM  
Blogger gear-girl said...

you got your ears pierced at a HK subway station?! my goodness... the only thing that comes to mind after reading this are germs, infections, disease... yikes.

and yes i agree with sooj - lasagna on a plane?! you MUST know better than that... ;) they've confiscated char-siu bows at the Vancouver border crossing before. in fact, if you have pastries at all, they will make you open all of them (regardless of whether they have meat in them or not) and if they don't, you're left with a bunch of bows that are all broken up. :(

3:40 PM  

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