Location: NYC, United States

Sunday, October 22, 2006

weekend: Gulu and CCFC reunion

Saturday morning, the hubs and I helped out some with World Vision New York's Gulu Walk efforts.

The Gulu Walk was started a few years ago to call attention to children in Northern Uganda who walk for miles at night to sleep in storefronts of larger towns. The threat of being abducted and forced into soldiering or sex slavery is what drives them on this commute. I wonder how God contains his rage at the people who force children to become killing machines, often beginning with their own families. Didn't Jesus say something about it being better to have a rock tied to your neck as you sink in the sea than cause his little ones to stumble?

We had to leave the Walk early for another Cornell Chinese Cult wedding. The best part was a totally unexpected, totally welcome reunion with a bunch of CCFC'ers. It was wonderful to chat with another unemployed wife, HKS, on getting to OK. OK with the state of our lives at this moment, and even OK with being NOT OK all the time. Know what I'm sayin? Also good to bug soon-to-be Dr. Lam about being the enforcer at our former Friday night group. hehe. Watch out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we don't need an enforcer! we've been very good the past two weeks!

-mr. chu

12:40 PM  
Blogger Duncan and Jen said...

mr. chu: dr. lam didn't want the job anyway. and nothing brings me more happiness than to know you are all being good. =)

9:13 PM  

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