Location: NYC, United States

Monday, October 23, 2006


I went on a tour of the UN today and left SOOOO aggravated at the Chinese tourists. They were so outrageously rude, I am embarassed by ethnic association. They basically violated 10 of the 15 guidelines below. WHY???? WHY???? Am I just more sensitive to this brand of rudeness because of who I am and where I have lived? Is it my Western upbringing imposing some Western standard of behavior on them? I don't know but they were SO darned rude.

(Published in the Shanghai Daily)

New guidelines have been published by China for Chinese tourists venturing abroad. All this to improve the nation’s image.

1. Do not spit in public
2. Do not litter in public places
3. Line up, don’t jump the queues at public venues
4. Do not make pictures when a sign says “no pictures”
5. Do not talk in loud voices
6. Do not polish your shoes with bed linen or the hotel towel
7. Do not smoke in Non-smoking areas
8. Wear proper clothes
9. Do not strip down to to the waist (for men) when it’s hot
10. Do not wear pajamas in supermarkets or on the street
11. Do not remove shoes and socks in airport terminals
12. Men, observe the “ladies first” rule
13. Flush after using the toilet
14. Do not block other pedestrians by walking side by side on sidewalks
15. Do not force foreigners to pose for pictures


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man! I went on the UN tour as well, recently and really enjoyed it... haha... sorry about the tourists. It's funny that actual guidelines have been published!! Good to see you briefly last weekend.. be well!

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mit should publish similar guidelines for korean tourists visiting the school with their young, very impressionable pre-teen kids. those korean tourists are sooo annoying! when will korean parents realize that a "vacation" to mit is more pressure than those kids ever need!!! makes me so mad. poor kids. miss you mrs hau- sooj

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the last one... don't force foreigners to pose for pictures... so funny...

6:21 PM  

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